So, my precious VMWare node, running on an old Dell 1850 died a couple weeks ago. I lost a drive. I had it set up with RAID0. Yes, I’ll admit I was over confident. I was surprised how quickly that drive died, but I lost everything. I lost years of work: my SVN repositories, my Asterisk configs, my DNS records, the list goes on.
A good friend of mine said, “It’s time to go to the Cloud; It’s awesome.”
He was right. In recent months, I’ve relied heavily on DropBox and more recently on, and even more recently on Microsoft’s Skydrive, but what was I going to do with my other services?
… back in my day…
It’s been so many years since I’ve run a server in my basement. Even before my kids were born. I was one of the first people to get aDSL in Atlanta: this was when the phone company still did a truck roll to their customer’s house. I ran a FreeBSD box, (I think 4.5), that did PPPoE with a really old 10Mbit switch. Ever since then, I had a box in the basement doing things. I used to run mail servers, web servers, media servers, network drive, internal DNS, and even an Asterisk PBX.
Man, I haven’t posted in a long dang time. I’ve been working on a lot of really different and cool things at work and at home.
backdoor man
The other day, I read a post about using split tunnel vpn on WinXP Mode on Windows 7. I like this idea. Essentially, it is simply setting up a virtual machine, installing VPN software on the virtual machine, and using the virtual machine to VPN into your destination network.
I like it for a couple of reasons:
My host OS (Windows 7) continues to do whatever it was doing, (bitorrent, IM, etc).
My WinXP virtual machine can be 100% dedicated to work stuff
Don’t get me wrong. For work, I have a really nice Macbook Pro. And in the office, I have all the accessories set up so I can just “plug in” and be productive. But at home, I have a pretty beefy Win7 machine and I like using the big monitor and ergo keyboard.
keep moving forward
I was using LogMeInto access my Mac from my Win7 desktop, but it wasn’t great. I use Virtualbox on my Win7 desktop with Ubuntu Linux and love it, but the VPN doesn’t work great, so and I really need some of the Microsoft functionality.
So, I tried to get it set up with WinXP Mode and it worked pretty well. I installed Office 2007 and use Ninite to install my typical Windows apps. It worked great. I used WinXP Mode for a couple of days with work and it was okay; I’ve got no major complaints… except I don’t care for the Virtual PC interface and graphic performance stinks.
At first I ran the VMWare converter utility and I created a Physical to Virtual machine and stored the .vmdk on a different harddrive. Then I installed the VMWare Player and discovered it had an option already to “import Win XP Mode Virtual Machine.” How cool, I thought!
… and so it begins
Computers sometimes suck.
After a few minutes, the import completed and I tried to fire it up. I got an error message that said, “Unable to connect to this virtual machine. Make sure you have proper permissions…. etc” or something along those lines. Uh-oh, I thought.
So then I went to open the converted image I created and got the same error. Boo! At that point, I tried to start Virtualbox and I got an even more cryptic error about some kernel.dll not being able to load. I assumed it was a conflict between VMWare Player and Virtualbox. So I uninstalled the VMWare Player.
After a reboot, (to complete the de-installation), Virtualbox started up fine, I opened the .vmdk I created and it did open! I thought I was making progress. Then, as I read elsewhere, WinXP Mode wants to reactivate itself under Virtualbox. I couldn’t even get logged in. Upon attempting to activate, it said my product code was invalid.
Still, I was very intriqued about the VMWare Player’s WinXP import utility so I decided to reinstall it and try again. This time, after I installed it, I did not reboot my system as the installation process requested. Instead I tried the import again… and it worked!
It installed VMWare Tools… the only drawback was that it was the original WinXP VM so none of my installed apps or settings were there. That’s cool, I thought since you always can do something better the second time around!
So right now, I just finished installing my favorite free apps using NiNite, and am installing Office, Communicator, and my companies VPN software.
So far, I can say the experience with VMWare Player is much better than the original WinXP Mode. The VM is noticably faster and the graphics is very much improved. My host system is pretty beefy, so YMMV, but here’s my settings for my WinXP VM:
Memory: 768MB
CPU’s: 2
Network Adapter: Bridged
Sound Card and Display: Autodetect
You can find the links to all the software I used if you want to play along.
This cracks me up. I have been getting a ton of spam comments from the .ru TLD, and it always begins with either:
Hello my dear friend! I’m a pure student…
Interesting CMS. What software do you use?
Or some variant of the above. C’mon, guys, if you are going to try and trick me, you got to do better than that. At this point, I am almost insulted at this feeble attempt. But that’s not really what I wanted to write about.
Tonight I’m sort of reflective. So much as happened since I last posted. Certainly some of it is good, some of it is exciting, and some of it has certainly been a challenge. I spent the last 30 minutes trying to find a Youtube vid that represents my mood, but unfortunately, I think the risk of misunderstanding is too high, so therefore, I refrain.
I usually post about technology or funny things, but so much has been queuing up, it’s hard for me to decide where to begin.
I am still madly in love with my T-Mobile G1, the Google/Android based phone. I saw that Google had an Éclair delivered to their office: Each release of the Android OS has been named after pastries: Cupcake, Donut… Éclair is rumored to be Android 2.0…
I actually had my first Corny Keg experience with my homebrew in anticipation of our neighborhood Oktoberfest. Pics and vids to follow, (it’s this weekend).
I’ve been rehabbing a rental house in my spare (but limited) time.
I’ve been learning Python, (but had to use Perl in a recent pinch).
More and more people are asking me for help with Trixbox and Cisco SIP phones.
I’ve been to HP HQ in Houston, TX for an executive briefing; I was blown away and met some really cool people.
I’ve been enjoying Google Wave! (Sorry, I haven’t been able to send out invites, yet… so don’t ask!)
I have a new WinCE based GPS that I am hacking, (oh yeah, I forgot about this, but it’s a big ‘un!).
So I’ve been busy, but it’s been good. Any of the above items could be a separate blog post.
I’ve been really impressed with Google Wave. It ain’t perfect yet, but I see the potential of it. I might even go as far to say that it could be Email 2.0 but I probably need to elaborate on that. Along the same note, I wonder if Twitter is the new USENET. <- If you don’t get that, don’t worry about it. But if you want my highly entertaining, hand waving monologue on this, let’s meet for a beer!
Okay, it really isn’t a “home project”; I just like playing around with it. We’ve been really going forward with VMWare at work and I have drank the cool aide. I see the bigger picture and how it all fits into place. But I wanted to get an understanding of how it work and how it can be broken and at what point does it fall over.
The Server I have the fortune to check out a Dell 1750 from work and bring it home and I am running VMWare ESXi. Yes, I have a rack in my basement and a home run box so this is easy to stick in, (but man, is this thing loud. I can hear the fans on the first floor). It’s got dual xeon’s and 2GB of memory. My goals are as follows:
Set up a Spacewalk server (the open source version of Redhat’s Satellite)
So I figure five different servers running CentOS would be a good proof of concept. At this point, I thought I’d be able to post a bunch of good things about the set up, but it’s been a learning experience. So I was able to upgrade the drives, reconfigure the RAID setup and start over. It is my intention to post my finding and results over time.
Yes, and in case you are wondering, I am intentionally over subscribing my VM’s to my Dell 1750. I wanted to learn how to make it run as effeciently as possible and see how far I can push it.